
SSPS INDIA CENTRAL The Mission Congregation of the Sisters servants of the Holy Spirit (SSpS), is a religious missionary congregation, founded by St Arnold Janssen, SVD in Steyl in Netherlands EXPLORE SSPS INDIA CENTRAL We, the missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit of Divine Word Province India East, commit ourselves to widening the circle of communion by being open to continuous transformation to build a just and wholesome society with a special focus on the marginalized and the excluded. SSPS INDIA NORTH "Empowered by the Holy Spirit we the SSpS of INN Province continue the mission of Jesus to the people of North East through our innovative and creative ministries-healing, teaching, special care for women and children and to build up a harmonious society and uphold the human dignity" EXPLORE SSPS INDIA NORTH MAY THE HOLY TRUNE GOD TAKE YOU UP IN THE EMBRACE OF HIS DIVINE LOVE Explore SSPS INDIA EAST We, the missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit of Divine Word Province India East, commit ourselves to widening the circle of communion by being open to continuous transformation to build a just and wholesome society with a special focus on the marginalized and the excluded. SSPS INDIA EAST The Mission Congregation of the Sisters servants of the Holy Spirit (SSpS), is a religious missionary congregation, founded by St Arnold Janssen, SVD in Steyl in Netherlands. explore SSPS INDIA SOUTH The Mission Congregation of the Sisters servants of the Holy Spirit (SSpS), is a religious missionary congregation, founded by St Arnold Janssen, SVD in Steyl in Netherlands. SSPS INDIA SOUTH The Mission Congregation of the Sisters servants of the Holy Spirit (SSpS), is a religious missionary congregation, founded by St Arnold Janssen, SVD in Steyl in Netherlands.


India’s Northeast is a rainbow country, extraordinarily diverse, colorful and mysterious. At the time of independence and partition of India, the whole of Brahmaputra valley and the hills beyond was called Assam.
" Uday Social Development Society is a Non Profit Organization under the umbrella of Pavitra Atma Sevika Sangh, managed by the Holy Spirit Sisters (SSpS) based at Bhopal in Central India, working for the integral development of children and women.
India’s Northeast is a rainbow country, extraordinarily diverse, colorful and mysterious. At the time of independence and partition of India, the whole of Brahmaputra valley and the hills beyond was called Assam.
Mission is the origin and purpose of our Congregation. We express our missionary spirituality in today’s context as SSpS The congregation is dedicated to spreading the Good through the different services rendered in the field of education, social work, health, pastoral ministry, media and social communications.